February 9, 2025

Tricks with the truth. Slight variations of Biblical facts. Subtle distortions of Biblical principles. These days everyone has a new religious thought. Cultic ideas abound. False doctrines proliferate like nuclear warheads. Access to larger audiences by way of social media gives the Gospel both its greatest avenue of End Time exposure, but also its greatest threat of misinformation and twisted doctrines. People are trading dependency on men and women of God who preach the Word for internet scholarship that can be achieved by a few search engines. But knowledge does not dismiss submission to Apostolic authority and God-called Shepherds.
Spies, Lies, and Algorithms, Why US Intelligence Agencies Must Adapt or Fail by Amy Zegart and Michael Morell says, “Cheap and easy access to new technologies has taken away some of the intelligence-gathering advantages that the US had over its adversaries. The proliferation of open-source intelligence, ranging from Google Maps to Twitter, as well as data gathered on private cell phones or with commercial surveillance cameras, enables foreign governments and non-state actors to be better-informed than they have ever been.”
So, basically, spies have easier access than ever before; deception has many more doors to walk through. Deception dice is rolling. Gambling devils are risking it all for one last empire of evil. How many open-source opportunities does the enemy have to your soul? Internet windows. Social networks. Video games. Cultural shaping Hollywood programming. Educational books that ever so slightly change the way you feel about certain passages of the Bible. The fires of conviction are dying out. The passion of making a stand for what is right is now a casual, comfortable seating with new suggestions.
Spies of darkness have always been around. Even Jesus had to deal with pretentious curious Pharisees who covertly tried to catch him in his words. Mark 12:13. Listen now…
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